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About the Author

Dr. Louis J. (Lou) Catania is an internationally acclaimed educator, and a recognized expert in eye care, health care, artificial intelligence (AI) and immunology. He has authored over 160 journal articles and 12 textbooks, one of which, Primary Care of the Anterior Segment received the Baron's Five Star (highest) rating for a medical textbook.


He is currently a lecturer with the University of North Florida, Department of Continuing Education, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute; and a visiting Professor at Salus University, College of Health Sciences. During his 52-year clinical and academic career he has taught and lectured extensively worldwide.

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Dr. Catania’s career in healthcare started as an optometric physician with an interest in corneal immunology. That interest grew into postdoctoral pursuits over the past 35 years with studies in virology, immunology and public health (University of Rochester, UPenn, Stanford Continuing Studies and MIT OpenCourseWare). He has dedicated himself to research, teaching, and writing with his three most recent books on AI in healthcare, AI in immunology, and an inspired new text on the mercurial nature of the human immune system (The Paradox of the Immune System).


Dr. Catania’s professional accomplishments in eyecare, healthcare and immunology have produced countless honors and awards including two Honorary Doctor of Science degrees (D.Sc.); Distinguished Faculty Scholar at three academic institutions; induction into the National Optometry Hall of Fame; and innumerable domestic and international keynote and commencement addresses.


In his personal time, Dr. Catania is an active volunteer with the National Park Service; a sea turtle patrol monitor in his beach community; and involved in multiple environmental, humanitarian and human welfare agencies.


©2023 by Louis J. Catania, O.D., F.A.A.O. All Rights Reserved.

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