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Layperson Version


You can click on individual blog groups below or the button to the right to read them all!

Getting Started

1. Introduction

2. Chronic inflammation (CI) - It's what it's all about

3. Stress (The kind we have in us and the kind outside of us)

4. "Women are from Venus and men are from Mars"


Our Friendly Immune System

5. The innate immune system (The start of an amazing journey)

6. The immune system millions of years ago (Part 1)

7. The immune system millions of years ago (Part 2)

8. "It's an immune system!" Embryology and pregnancy

9. The adaptive immune system (When a friend turns on us)


It's All About Genes

10. Genetics and genomics (What makes us who we are?)

11. The Human Genome Project (HGP), Precision (personalized) medicine and “All of Us” (Human and Artificial intelligence [AI], guiding our future))

12. XCI (Women sharing, "For better and for worse")

13. The microbiome (It's all about the bugs)


The Enemy Within Us

14. Chronic inflammation (CI): “Enemy #1” (Part 1: Can it really be?))

15. Chronic inflammation (CI): “Enemy #1” (Part 2: The chemistry of our health)

16. Chronic inflammation (CI): “Enemy #1” (Part 3: The root cause of all our problems)

17. Neuroimmunology (Our brains control our immunity)

When "Self" Becomes the Villain

18. Autoimmune disease: When self becomes the villain   (Part 1: What's happening?)

19. Autoimmune disease: When self becomes the villain   (Part 2: The female dilemma)

20. Autoimmune disease: When self becomes the villain   (Part 3: (From limited to unlimited)

21. Immunotherapeutics (Monoclonal antibodies and biologics: Using our own biology to protect us)



22. Immunotherapeutics (cellular and genetic) procedures (Part 1: Stem cell transplantation therapy [Making and replacing])

23. Immunotherapeutics (cellular and genetic) procedures (Part 2: Homograph [allograph] transplantation): The art of sharing

24. Immunotherapeutics (cellular and genetic) procedures: (Part 3: Genetic engineering/modifications): This is our future

25. Immunotherapeutics (cellular and genetic) procedures (Part 4: CAR-T and CAAR-T cell [gene replacement] therapy)

26. Immunotherapeutic (cellular and genetic) procedures (Part 5: CRISPR-Cas9 [gene editing] therapy)




Immunology's Cruelest Enemy & Greatest Challenge

27. Cancer: Immunology’s cruelest enemy and greatest challenge (Part 1: It's a verb)

28. Cancer: Immunology’s cruelest enemy and greatest challenge (Part 2: What is it, really?)

29. Cancer: Immunology’s cruelest enemy and greatest challenge (Part 3: Microbiome, XCI and microRNA): We are beginning to find out

30. Cancer: Immunology’s cruelest enemy and greatest challenge (Part 4: Getting a handle on it early)

Accepting the Challenge

31. Cancer: Current treatment considerations (Part 1: Attacking from the outside and from the inside)

32. Cancer: Current treatment considerations (Part 2: Using our immune system to fight the fight)

33. Cancer: Current treatment considerations (Part 3: When our own immune system clones its way to care)

34. Cancer: Current treatment considerations (Part 4: Combining our discoveries may be our greatest discovery)

Attack on Humanity

35. Immunology’s role in pandemics, infectious disease and COVID-19 (Part 1: Our immune system under attack)

36. Immunology’s role in pandemics, infectious disease and COVID-19 (Part 2: Using our own genetics to fight back)

37. Immunology’s role in pandemics, infectious disease and COVID-19 (Part 3: It hurts and it kills)


Fighting Back

38. Immunology’s role in pandemics, infectious disease and COVID-19 (Part 4: Our first line of defense are the basics)

39. Immunology’s role in pandemics, infectious disease and COVID-19 (Part 5: Immunotherapies: Using our bodies to fight back)

40. Immunology’s role in pandemics, infectious disease and COVID-19 (Part 5: Immunotherapies: Using our bodies to fight back)

41. Immunology’s role in pandemics, infectious disease and COVID-19 (Part 7: Treatment and management strategies: Ongoing protection with vaccines)

42. Immunology’s role in pandemics, infectious disease and COVID-19 (Part 8: Roll up your sleeve if you care)

43. Immunology’s role in Immunoinformatics (computational immunology) and controlling the beast


Our Future

44. Immunology’s role in public health considerations and recommendations (Saving ourselves)

45. Epilogue ("It takes a village")

©2023 by Louis J. Catania, O.D., F.A.A.O. All Rights Reserved.

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